
Customizing your campaign


Direct Mail

Click here for updated content and additional campaign templates.

Direct marketing puts you in touch with prospects and customers. Use it to stay top-of-mind with your customers and tell them more (or remind them) about your services and what you have to offer to meet their needs. An effective direct marketing effort persuades prospects or customers to interact with your business. Such interaction could include registering for a seminar, or taking advantage of a special offer. Use these direct mail templates when developing customer marketing materials or seminar invitations to bring customers in for an event to discuss a topic that you've sold to them in your direct mail piece.

Download the high resolution template artwork, then, either open and edit the files yourself in Quark (PC or Mac); or read 'Customizing your campaign' instructions about how you can get your edits done directly through your local printer or copy center. You can also find out how to work directly with the agency who created the ads to have your edits completed at a discounted rate.

View the PowerPoint and Acrobat Acrobat Reader Version 5 (.pdf) samples and choose the templates and presentations that will work for your campaign. Choose from 3 campaign choices offered in each solution category listed in the menu bar on this page. You may click on any of the images below to see the image enlarged or you may download the presentation by clicking on the link below the image.

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